In this short work, Marshal Choibalsan examines the conditions in pre-revolutionary Mongolia and the fight against the Chinese Anhuist militarists and White Guard reaction, overcoming the obstacles of the reactionary rule and establishing true independence, ensured by the people’s state power. Expressed very clearer is the incredible role which the Lenin-Stalin Soviet Union played in aiding the struggle, that the October Revolution created the impetuses for their own revolution and always supported them, as early as Comrade Sukhbaatar’s plea for help in national liberation. But first of all the struggle of the Mongolian people themselves freed the country, the brave struggle of the Arats against their long-time foreign and national oppressors. Indeed, Mongolia was one of the first countries in the colonized world to go through the process of national liberation, and it was due to their ardent determination to be gone with Chen Yi, Baron Ungern, Bogd Khan and all oppressors that it was accomplished. It was a revolution that took one of the most backward countries, groaning under foreign oppression and ecclesiastical-monarchical feudalist rule, which was transformed in three decades, with Comrade Choibalsan and the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party at the head, into a country which had constructed the basis of socialism, skipping over the phase of capitalism.