Anna Louise Strong was an American journalist with wide experience and insight into the Soviet Union during the Stalin period. She meticulously wrote on the development of socialism in the USSR, providing vivid accounts of its victories and setbacks. Her works remain an important resource to this day in grappling with the history of the Soviet Union under Stalin, and our refutation of the fallacious slanders levied on the epochal achievements of the USSR by the anti-communist charlatans of today and yesteryear.
In Dictatorship and Democracy, published originally in 1934, Anna Louise Strong defends the Soviet Union from the hysterical slanders of the bourgeois intellectuals of the time, analysing the democratic processes in the USSR in all aspects of economic and social life. Strong analyses the role of the Bolshevik Party as a great organ of proletarian rule, smashing the Tsarist backwardness and autocracy that had once marred Russia. This work is extremely profound in its nuance and understanding of Soviet democracy and for highlighting the objective and subjective problems the Bolsheviks met with their iron will.
In Soviet Farmers, published in 1944, Anna Louise Strong reflects on the heroic and arduous struggle of the Soviet peasants in the construction of socialism. She analyses the role of the peasants and, their leader, the Party in the unprecedented and mammoth collectivization effort, the upheaval of hundreds of years of ossified backwardness in a mere decade. She once again illuminates the resilience of the Party and the people in the face of the kulak internal enemies, as well as the external enemy — Hitler’s war machine. Collectivization in the Soviet Union is often the subject of outrageous and infantile slander by today’s anti-communist hucksters, therefore the utility of this pamphlet as a historical resource can not be understated.