From the Oath of the Albanian People on the Occasion of the Death of J.V. Stalin

Held at the commemorative rally organized on the occasion of J.V. Stalin’s death in Skanderbej Square in front of the Stalin monument. This text was signed by 729,440 people and sent to the CC of the CPSU on July 2, 1953

March 10, 1953

Dear fraternal peoples of the Soviet Union,

We, the Albanian people, the workers, peasants and intellectuals of Albania, men and women, young men and women, feeling deep in our hearts the great sadness that the loss of the dear J.V. Stalin caused us, feel ourselves more than ever near you and, embracing you with great love, Soviet brothers and sisters, we swear today before Comrade Stalin that we will remain faithful to the great cause of Lenin and Stalin.

You and we, as well as all the peoples of the world, have been overcome today by a great calamity: our leader, our dear teacher, J.V. Stalin closed his eyes forever. The mind of the greatest and brightest genius of our time, the glorious architect of socialism and communism, the creator and forger of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet state, which are the greatest victory of all mankind. The heart of the greatest friend and protector of the common people of the world ceased to beat, that great, generous and brave heart, which beat and fought to the end for the peace, freedom and happiness of the people.

Our dear Stalin, the faithful disciple and brilliant follower of the immortal work of the great Lenin, saved mankind from the worst slavery of the nazi beasts and the Japanese militarists and led the struggle of the peoples of the world who escaped a certain catastrophe.
In these difficult moments, when Comrade Stalin has left us, we express our boundless gratitude to our dear teacher, to our great liberator, with whose name all our victories are associated: the liberation of the homeland, the establishment of the regime of people’s democracy, building the foundations of socialism.

Comrade Stalin taught us how to fight for the liberation of the country from foreign invaders, barbaric imperialists. With Comrade Stalin’s name in their mouths and the book “History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” in their arms, our brave partisans rushed like dragons into battle and won against the Italian and German fascists and the country’s traitors. Whenever in the most difficult days of the war, the great Stalin was by our side, he opened our hearts, he led us to victory. In days of joy and sorrow, we have felt at every moment the paternal care of the great Comrade Stalin. Our people have shed a lot of blood fighting over the centuries, our country has been desolated many times, but the great hope for the crowning of its efforts was born only when the Great October Socialist Revolution triumphed and its dreams became a reality, when the Albanian people linked themselves with you, fraternal peoples of the Soviet Union, when they linked their liberation struggle with the great anti-fascist struggle of the Soviet peoples and their glorious army.

We bow with pain and deep respect before the unforgettable memory of the great Stalin. For us, Stalin is not dead, he can never die. He lives and will live forever.

Comrade Stalin has taught us to be strong at all times, to be brave, to know how to face all situations no matter how difficult they may be, to overcome them and always move forward.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will lift up our hearts and rush forward to reap new victories, that we will be determined on the path he has shown us, that we will follow with the utmost loyalty his great lessons and we will proudly pave the way for new victories, led by the banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will strengthen and cement our sincere and deep love for the fraternal peoples of the Soviet Union.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will strengthen the heroic Party of Labor of Albania, which led us to the glorious victory of the National Liberation War and successfully leads us on the road to socialism. We will guard the unity of the Party like the apple of our eye and keep its ranks clean, striking with the greatest severity any external and internal enemies who dare to touch our unity. We will strengthen the alliance of the working class with the working peasantry and unite stronger than ever around the Party of Labour of Albania and surround it with boundless love, because it represents our present life and the future generations of the country ours, because it boldly builds and defends our new life. We will follow with the utmost loyalty the teachings of our Party of Labour and its Central Committee. We, closing ranks around our Party and government, united in the Democratic Front of Albania, which is led by our Party of Labour, will fight to protect peace, freedom, independence and will put all our strength into successfully building socialism in our country.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will strengthen the people’s power of the workers and peasants every day. We will fight mercilessly against external and internal enemies who dare to touch the People’s Republic of Albania. We will protect and expand the great successes achieved in the social, economic and cultural fields, thanks to the help of the peoples of the Soviet Union and the fatherly care of Comrade Stalin. We will protect and expand our magnificent combines and factories, we will further develop our industry and agriculture, the cultivation and culture of the people, and we will vigilantly protect our homes.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will strengthen our heroic People’s Army and the State Security, and sharpen our revolutionary vigilance to the utmost to thwart all plans of those who dream of harming our socialist homeland. We will guard with vigilance and defend the victories and the sacred borders of our People’s Republic, for which the best sons of our people heroically fell. We will protect our motherland, which is a force of peace and an immovable and unbreakable granite rock, and where all those enemies of socialism and peace who dare to touch it will surely break their heads.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that we will always hold aloft the banner of proletarian internationalism and strengthen our friendship with the peoples of people’s democratic countries and with all peoples who are fighting for peace, democracy and socialism.

We swear, before Comrade Stalin, that with all our strength we will fight for the protection of peace in the world, against the Anglo-American imperialist warmongers and their servants, taking the words of Comrade Stalin that “Peace will be preserved and strengthened if the peoples take the matter of keeping peace into their own hands and defend it to the end,” as the flag that will lead us into this glorious battle.

The entire Albanian people, as a single body, solemnly swear before the great Comrade Stalin today.