Who was J.V. Stalin? How did the Soviet people see him? Perhaps there is no better answer to this question than the official short biography commissioned in his time. From his earliest days to the Great Patriotic War, it details how he was with Lenin at every step of the way and carried on his behests. He, together with Lenin, fought the liquidators and the Mensheviks of all hues. He, together with Lenin, was entrusted with many of the most important duties of the general armed uprising. He, together with Lenin, worked out the Soviet socialist policies towards nationalities. He, carrying out Lenin’s behests, led the great industrialization and collectivization which transformed the backwards Tsarist small holdings and enterprises into a large-scale economy of a modern type. He, carrying out Lenin’s behests, designed the basis for socialist society in the Soviet Union — the Stalin Constitution. He, carrying out Lenin’s behests, manoeuvred with genius against the hostile imperialist attempts to force Hitler to go east. He, carrying out Lenin’s behests, led the heroic and glorious struggle over nazi-fascism, personally instructing the battles at Moscow and Stalingrad, defending all the socialist gains against the aggressors. He, carrying out Lenin’s behests, used experiential practice as a means for working out, scientifically and in accordance with Marxism-Leninism, how to act in each situation. He lived his whole life as such, and his Short Biography details it. This is the Stalin the billions of working people on the side of the world anti-fascist war knew. Today’s bombastic imperialist propaganda about such a man can never erase that.