Marxism and Revisionism




From Bakunin to Proudhon, Lassalle to Bernstein, Kautsky to Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin expose in these assembled works the revisionist essence of the falsifiers and renegades from scientific socialism, from Marxism. Under the guise of the “new data”, they have proclaimed the principles of Marxism-Leninism, namely the class struggle and the revolutionary path of the proletariat, outdated. They have preached subservience to their own bourgeoisie, believing that socialism can be gained by reforms to the bourgeois parliament, and proclaimed that socialism cannot be built in a single country, in the USSR, practising the most vulgar defeatism. These principles must be remembered today as even the “Communist” parties have thrown off the cloak of Marxism-Leninism and are fused with social-democracy and its vagaries.

“The ideological struggle waged by revolutionary Marxism against revisionism”, says V.I. Lenin, “is but the prelude to the great revolutionary battles of the proletariat, which is marching forward to the complete victory of its cause despite all the waverings and weaknesses of the petty bourgeoisie.”