Secretary of State for External Affairs to Dominions Secretary, Ottawa, October 4, 1941


Ottawa, October 4, 1941

MOST SECRET AND PERSONAL. Following from Prime Minister, for your Prime Minister. Begins. I was very glad to have your most secret and personal message Z.281 communicated to me by Sir Patrick Duff on October 2nd, about the present status of plans for assisting the Russians in the prosecution of the war effort against the enemy. We have had under consideration question of possible Canadian aid to Russia and would be glad to learn whether you have had any report from Lord Beaverbrook’s mission which might help, the Government in reaching a decision as to ways in which Canada might be able to afford assistance. We are examining the feasibility of supporting provision of medical aid and supplies to Russia, probably through the medium of the National Red Cross which is already collaborating with the American Red Cross for the purchase of serums. The first report of probable Russian requirements communicated to us in Circular D.411 of July 12, included wheat among the commodities of which Russia expected to be in need. We should be glad to learn whether subsequent discussions with Russian authorities have indicated that this is one of the forms of assistance which would be helpful. Ends.

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