On the Death of the Great Stalin — Enver Hoxha




On the Death of the Great Stalin is a newly compiled pamphlet of speeches, telegrams and writings by Comrade Enver Hoxha on the occasion of that tragedy of humankind, that day the whole world wept as one, the day Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died — March 5, 1953. In these selections, Comrade Enver Hoxha expresses the thoughts, feelings and desires of the Party of Labour of Albania, the workers, peasants and intellectuals of Albania, and the entire spirit of the Albanian nation. J.V. Stalin led the world anti-fascist war, the greatest war humanity has ever known, and the expansion of the camp of socialism and people’s democracy over a third of the globe. These achievements make him immortal in the eyes of the peoples. In particular, the oath of the Albanian people to J.V. Stalin, delivered by Comrade Enver Hoxha and proving the determination of the Albanians to stay loyal on his glorious road, was personally signed by 729,440 Albanians, approximately 53 per cent of the entire population. Also included are 40 pages of pictures related to the friendship between socialist Albania and the Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin, and the efforts of that small country on the Adriatic to honour the fourth classic of Marxism-Leninism after revisionism had taken hold in the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries of people’s democracy.