Our Party Will Continue to Wage the Class Struggle as It Has Always Done — Consistently, Courageously and With Maturity — Enver Hoxha




One of Comrade Enver Hoxha’s most important works on the topic of the class struggle in socialist society. He analyses the class contradictions that led to the restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union and the countries of People’s Democracy, their mistakes, and expresses what Albania was doing and continued to do to combat the onset of revisionism in their country. The slanders of the Chinese revisionists that Comrade Enver Hoxha allegedly denied the fact that class struggle existed in socialism do not hold water; his interpretation of class struggle was a truly socialist one, not the “class struggle” of the Chinese revisionists that upheld the anarchy and crises of capitalism in socialist society on the one hand, and on the other reached out a hand for “unity”, for “rehabilitation”, even with the most vulgar and irredeemable revisionists. This work, full of penetrating logic, also exposes, while not mentioning them by name (see the footnotes), the vacillancy of the Chinese revisionists and their failure to wage class struggle.