Religion in the USSR




Today the bourgeoisie is, along with all the other progressive causes stemming from its rise to power, throwing asunder the banner of science, objectivity, atheism and even any form of secularism that it produced in its great revolutions. It is replacing it with vulgar, subjective idealism, postmodernism, superstition, obscurantism, blind dogmas and faith, more and more turning to scripture, to the bible in an attempt to extend its rule by all-round fascization. This is what certain ultra-reactionaries have inscribed on their banner of “Christian nationalism,” etc. But as the proletariat steels itself, it is increasingly not believing religious propaganda — today, in Canada for example, irreligion has become the largest census religion category.

In his book, Comrade Yaroslavsky describes the steps taken by the revolutionary Soviet leadership took to fully secularize their state, which no bourgeois has done; describing that in building up their new socialist life, the masses see that they are not subjects under an omnipotent god but themselves world-builders; presenting a few of many remarks of the “sacred” texts preaching submission of the oppressed to their oppressors; showing that many Soviet regions had, on their own initiative, done away with much of the former ecclesiastical presence; elaborating why Leninists, communists, must think by the materialist dialectic, a living doctrine, and not by some fossilized book; explaining why the Catholic Church and its Pope, among others, had taken a savage attack against the free land of the Soviets under the banner of combatting “Satanism”; and decisively proving that the bourgeoisie has used and is using religious differences to spur conflicts between the workers of fraternal nations. In the USSR what Marx and Engels talked about came true — the withering away of religion was already being put into motion. That epoch was opened up in 1917 and hasn’t been closed, despite all their fanatical and crazed ravings. The day is coming when all feudal remnants preserved by capitalism, as well as capitalism itself, will be wiped off the earth.