Some Fundamental Questions of the Class Struggle




In this work, the full title being “Some Fundamental Questions of the Revolutionary Policy of the Party of Labour of Albania About the Development of the Class Struggle”, Nexhmije Hoxha expounds the character of the class struggle within socialist society. This struggle, even when antagonistic classes are eliminated, finds itself appearing in old mentalities and in new wreckers to the socialist state. They wage the struggle against socialism in three ways — ideological, social and political — and thus the strengthening of proletarian, socialist control over these sectors are a means to combat old mentalities and wreckers. Internationally, socialist society wages class struggle with the capitalist powers and countries, never relying on them for their independence. The two worlds, and not three, are thus — the capitalist world and the socialist world. Therein lies the external danger of class struggle for the socialist countries, who always support the raging class struggle of proletariat and bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries.