The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International — Georgi Dimitrov




In Georgi Dimitrov’s historic report to the 7th Congress of the Communist International, he elaborates the united front of workers, along with the other tactical changes necessary in the new period. The question posed to all communists at that time was: Do we continue along the old road or make a break with the old, smash our isolation and come out as the real force of the working class? The Comintern, with Dimitrov at the head, picked the latter road with great success. They chose to bolshevize the party and the class, build the mass community party and stand at the head of the working masses. The Communists then proceeded to extend their dominance from one-fifth of the world, as the mere USSR was, into one-third, including Eastern Europe, People’s China and other Asian countries. This congress and this report were instrumental in bringing out the revolutionary impetuses necessary to achieve those great victories.