The Revolution — A Question Taken Up For Solution




The Revolution — A Question Taken Up For Solution examines the problem of the revolution in the light of Marxism-Leninism against the imperialist and social-imperialist bourgeoisie, and opportunism and revisionism of all colours and hues. Coming from the heart of the period of defending the purity of Marxism-Leninism, this report to the scientific session of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania on problems of then-current world developments proves that the revolution is not simply an abstract project or a problem of a few individuals with enlightened ideas, but rather is the project of subjective and objective conditions internationally and in specific given countries. This report illuminates the difference between the anti-imperialist democratic revolutions and proletarian revolutions and the necessity of linking them, the problem of alliances and under what conditions, the leading role of the Marxist-Leninist Party at the forefront of developments in each country, the main contradiction in any revolution as internal and not external, and the essential requirement of the masses striving for revolution to undertake any general uprising only when the masses are prepared and not a minute sooner. These principles come from the general principles of the epoch we are still living in, that of Leninism, that of imperialism and the proletarian revolution. They are in direct combat with today’s U.S. imperialist world order, including their opportunist toadies, and in the period in which it was written with Soviet social-imperialism, Chinese revisionism, Eurocommunism, Titoism, Browderism and every other trend of revisionism.