The Teachings of Karl Marx




In one of the best elementary texts of Marxism, The Teachings of Karl Marx, V.I. Lenin outlines, in brief, all of Marx’s tremendous contributions to scientific thinking politically, economically, philosophically, etc. Politically, he contributed the theory of the class struggle, scientific socialism, revolution, dictatorship of the proletariat, etc. Economically, he contributed the theory of value and surplus-value, the special law of motion of capitalism. Philosophically, he contributed modern materialism, enriching it with the dialectical method and specifically the materialist conception of history which proves that whenever productive forces are in contradiction with the relations of production, a revolutionary rupture with the old occurs. All these are inexplicably linked and cannot be divided.

Also included for an outlook on Canadian conditions is the introduction by Tim Buck to the 1944 edition of the pamphlet. At this time, his party, the Communist Party of Canada, had already succumbed to Browder’s revisionism and thus, there were gravely incorrect formulations in the original lending to the idea that the “democratic bourgeoisie” would support socialism. The publishers have decided to omit these theoretically incorrect passages while leaving in what is theoretically correct, with slight edits.